
This is what's left of Legacy NG+2R.


November 11th, 2022
  • Revising all former vanilla text changes
  • November 9th, 2022
  • Changed several old news tickers
  • Planning to remove all eternal studies (I might end up making your TT amount give you some sort of a buff instead)
  • Quantum will become its own button at the top of the screen
  • Investments will be removed in favor of dan-simon's gluon production plan.
  • Research will serve as the new main tab of Quantum
  • ALPHA 0.3.1 - June 24th, 2020

    June 29th, 2020
  • Nerfed achievement multiplier per achievement to 1.1x.
  • Added like 5 news tickers, I don't know. Now let's stop adding dumb stuff.
  • Beginning of update log
  • SuperSpruce chose this game for the tournament. I guess I have to get it back up to shape.
  • Renamed Normal Dimensions to Antimatter Dimensions (another mobile change).
  • More renaming stuff.
  • Added the option to disable NG+ features (requested by YT Kerfuffles)
  • ALPHA 0.3 - May 15th, 2020

  • Serious development will begin shortly.
  • Massive changes will begin to be implemented to post-Time Dilation era, specifically for eternal studies, for they may no longer be a thing after some discussion in the #modifications channel of the Antimatter Dimensions discord server.
  • Early Quantum will be changed: Investment will be changed to not have much of a negative impact that it has now, more on that later.
  • You can get quantum theories instead from your quarks. With these quantum theories, you can get powerful buffs that make previous runs faster.
  • HOTFIX: Fixed the bug where you couldn't get banked infinities and some multipliers for infinities weren't being taken into account.
  • ALPHA 0.2.1 - May 11th, 2020 - May 14th, 2020

  • The beginning of Quantum.
  • "But I wanted another prestige layer..." no longer has an reward.
  • Sacrifice text and C2/C3 text has been added/changed.
  • A new loading screen image has been added.
  • How To Play has been revamped.
  • Added 30 to 40 new news tickers!
  • ALPHA 0.2 - March 14th, 2020 - May 2020

  • Important: Future changes will be put under ALPHA 0.2.1. They'll be merged later.
  • Stuff is going to get spicy in here.
  • this update was originally going to come out april 20th, but right now i need to test it more and i need to do more important things, so this is going to be postponed for now.
  • This will be a big update that span over multiple days of development. Most of these are currently things that aren't done yet, and that I'll get to eventually.
  • Beginning the installation of time studies: Introducing ETERNAL STUDIES. These are very powerful studies that give more powerful buffs, but at a significant cost; You can only buy one of these expensive studies, per row (except for the first row (row 24) and row 28/29. These aren't final, so feel free to give suggestions.
  • The replicanti galaxy reset button now changes to say "Divide replicanti by 1.8e308" if you have "Popular music", and display of the amount after 1,000 RGs is prettier. (Notation is taken into account)
  • FINALLY fixed the Time Leaper multiplier bug, becuase you would start off Quantum with 0 free tickspeed upgrades, causing the multiplier to break because there were no upgrades within the formula, resulting in a 0x multiplier. Time Leaper now gives you TP without having to disable dilation.
  • Eternity challenge rewards are now their own function.
  • Eternity upgrades are now their own function. (NOT DONE YET)
  • Eternity challenge goals are now their own function. (NOT DONE YET)
  • "Sub-atomic" gives the time theorem autobuyer now, and is insanely fast. (This is intentional)
  • Fixed the bug where holding shift on the time studies tab was broken.
  • Fixed the bug where you didn't keep your ICs unless you had "I didn't like this infinity stuff anyway".
  • Added 4 new eternity milestones: Your Infinity Dimensions and Replicanti autobuyers are faster based on your fastest eternity (1e10 eternities), Dimension boosts don't reset dimensions (1e11 eternities), you start eternities with 100% replicanti chance and 1 ms interval upgrades (can be disabled (because you need to be able to get "We could afford 9")) (1e12 eternities), and you keep all of your replicanti galaxies on infinity (1e13 eternities).
  • Changed TS271 and TS272 from boosting TS193 and giving softcaps to EC2/4/9, and instead gave them "Distant cost scaling starts 1 galaxy later for every 40 RGs" and "Remote cost scaling starts 1 galaxy later for every 80 free galaxies", respectively. Don't worry, I'll make TS193 and ECs more powerful later.
  • Changed TS261 and TS262 from changing replicanti interval limit to 0.01ms and buffing formula of multiplier to x^0.1, to allowing TS231 to decrease scaling of dimboosts and Sacrifice boosting the 2nd Time Dimension, respectively. I thought the previous upgrades would be too overpowered.
  • Added even more time studies. Row 28 now allows you to buy a "side" study, and either 282 or 284. 283 is required to buy 291. Row 29 has been changed to have 3 studies and have 2 studies bought based on what you chose in row 28.
  • TS281 has been changed from boosting the light and dark studies to giving 100% of your IP on crunch. (this is a slightly lame change if you think about it, but it must be done)
  • Implemented TS rows 24, 25, 26 and 27, and TS282.
  • Made a check for if the time theorem value becomes NaN; Time theorems will be a decimal soon, because I have more plans for it.
  • IP MULTIPLIER IS NOW RETROACTIVE (I am now one step ahead of Aarex).
  • Fixed the bug where you could sacrifice before you had 5 dimension shifts/boosts, but it had no effect.
  • Dilation upgrade 11 has been reworded, and will now display its current multiplier.
  • Added the idea of earth's pull request "Changed wording on 4th eternity milestone".
  • Made "Unique snowflakes" harder because of some Reality changes that inspired this change (540 -> 700), but added a reward: Normal galaxies count for TS102 and TS103, but with reduced effect (floor(galaxies/4)), and RGs are 0.25% more powerful.
  • Made "I never liked this infinity stuff anyway" harder (1e140,000 IP -> 1e200,000 IP).
  • I might be moving NG+2 Respecced to a new website.
  • ALPHA 0.1.6 - March 12th, 2020

  • Going to test time studies soon...
  • Added some more dumb news tickers.
  • Started balancing the investment formulas since replicanti was too OP.
  • Something big is coming...
  • ALPHA 0.1.5 - March 11th, 2020

  • QUANTUM BUG IS ALSO (mostly) FIXED! (just infinity stat multiplier errors...)
  • Reset investment amounts. From this point on, please tell me what formulas should change. (Time dimension formula should probably be changed, to be honest)
  • Hi, I'm typing this text on a phone, so it is very likely I could code on a mobile device, and thus more slightly bigger updates.
  • This version will fix the quantum bug and allow for compatibility with old vanilla and NG+2 saves.
  • Moved the Discord server invite links to another section because I might be posting a Scratch project about the stuff I work on outside of Scratch.
  • I'm thinking to cap EU6 since it might give others a slight advantage, but it'd affect the other time dimension multiplier sources. (this is acutally done now)
  • Sub-atomic will give you the time theorem autobuyer. (not coded in yet)
  • Started work on fixing the how to page.
  • Broken stuff/really annoying bugs (Yes, these are really annoying)

  • player.ngPlus sets to undefined when you infinity, eternity or quantum. This ties into our next problem:
  • Infinity Challenges keep resetting on refresh if you have at least 7 eternities but don't have "I never liked this infinity stuff anyway". I thought I fixed this bug already...
  • Time dimensions are now broken when you quantum; This is now fixed, as "But I wanted another prestige layer..." became NaNx if you had less than 1.8e308 EP, causing Time Dimension multipliers to break.
  • ALPHA 0.1.4 - March 10th, 2020

  • Actually fixing the time studies this time. I found that editing the css messed it up. (it'll look less weird for the EP/eternity button and time studies)
  • Buffed EU6 to be instead based on time played/6 hours (216000 "ticks" because the seconds are messed up in this game), and cannot go below 1x. (it is actually capped at 100x now)
  • Buffed TS62 to make replicanti 5 times faster to replicate.
  • Nerfed (or rather fixed) "But I wanted another prestige layer..." because it got powerful too quickly (changed to Math.pow rather than Decimal.pow).
  • In other news: Eternity Respecced is being revived. However, I will try to balance my fair share of side projects and not get caught up in them. Here...
  • Broken stuff

  • Importing your save from vanilla is broken. This will be fixed later, I promise. Same thing for the quantum 1x normal dimension bug. (some people should really help me soon)
  • It's probably important to know that balance in NG+2R will be significantly different from vanilla, so feel free to play from the beginning.
  • ALPHA 0.1.3 - March 9th, 2020

  • Made the time theorems purchase section hide the buy max theorems button and lower its height when you get "Generate time theorems based on tachyon particles", and also changed it a little bit...
  • Reworded more of the time studies, the break infinity upgrades, some achievements, and the IP multiplier upgrade.
  • Made "Do you really need a guide for this?" "easier" by changing the requirement to be at most 10 infinitied stat on Eternity. (This change isn't really needed though... or is it?)
  • Fixed total quark investment amount by just grabbing the next five values after the null instead...
  • Made the post infinity crunch button, new dimension button and infinity button wider.
  • ALPHA 0.1.2 - March 8th, 2020

  • "But I wanted another prestige layer..." has been given a reward (another reward taken from Eternity Respecced): Time Dimensions gain a multiplier based on EP. ((((exponent of EP-308)+1)^(5+(log20(exponent of EP)))))+1) (log20 might seem weird but it's just the 20th root.)
  • Fixed more CSS things that were 0px and repeated stuff.
  • Fixed unstable dilation variables not being saved in challenges/dilation, causing it to break because of it being undefined.
  • Fixed the font size of the popup.
  • Dilation upgrade 3, 4 and 7 shows its current multiplier.
  • Fixed the bug where "Eternities are the new infinity" had less than 1x multiplier.
  • Investing quarks in features work now, BUT THE FORMULAS FOR INVESTMENTS ARE NOT FINAL. (Time studies aren't affected yet because I need to know which ones to buff)
  • Fixed the display bug in the Quantum tab.
  • Fixed the NaN% bug on the progress bar when it was attempting to display "Percentage to "In the grim darkness of the far endgame"", as it was attempting to access an achievement id that didn't exist on this version, but did in Aarex's site.
  • This is probably going to be a short update now because I have to do other stuff.
  • Also, I'm trying to fix the time display, so I may need some help with that, unless of course Aarex fixed that already. Oh wait, he actually didn't.
  • Broken stuff

  • Going quantum breaks all the normal dimension multipliers. This is a fatal bug, meaning going quantum must be blocked off for now until I can resolve the issue. Apparently, this is reset after doing an eternity. However, I would like for it to be reset when you quantum.
  • ALPHA 0.1.1 - March 7th, 2020

  • Took Aarex's progress bar and information scale code and tweaked it, and put it in new functions.
  • Changed challenge 1's reward text to mention that you get 100 antimatter (because the game actually relies on that to consider the antimatter reward, and not "To infinity!", although it doesn't matter since you get "Blink of an eye"'s reward).
  • Changed EC reward text and put it in a new function.
  • Giving access to more news tickers because there's one news ticker in particular that requires all other tickers, and changed some news tickers because I wanted to.
  • Quark gain text displayed in meta-dimensions is now formatted.
  • "Eternities are the new infinity" and "Long lasting relationship" will now display their respective multipliers.
  • "In the grim darkness of the far endgame" now properly removes the 10x replicanti interval before infinity replicanti from TS133.
  • Buffed achievement multiplier to 1.125x per achievement. Now that's an achievement.
  • Made the achievement tooltips actually update ingame.
  • Buffed "Eternities are the new infinity" (Math.min(Math.sqrt(player.thisEternity/20), 30)) -> (Math.min(Math.sqrt(player.thisEternity/12.5), 30))
  • "We could afford 9" has been given a reward (inspired by Eternity Respecced): Replicanti multiplier is boosted to the power of 1.09 (after time studies).
  • Finally fixed the IC not persisting on reload bug (made it check for challenge 1 being completed). Silly me.
  • Fixed not being able to unstabilize dilation because of excess equal signs.
  • Unstable dilation actually increases TP gain now. WARNING: COULD CAUSE INFLATION. Report bugs in the #bugs channel if you see it.
  • One final checkup: Running it through CodeFactor to catch the stuff I didn't fix.
  • Dimboosts, galaxies and 8th dimension cost/amounts are prettier.
  • Change a lot of 0px to 0 in the CSS, and also fixed "all" the bugs in the html, except for ONE PHANTOM BUG.
  • I guess it's time to actually make new content now.
  • Broken stuff

  • "In the grim darkness of the far endgame" progress on the progress bar displays NaN%. (FIXED AS OF 3/8/2020)
  • ALPHA 0.1 - March 6th, 2020

  • Found out the offline IP break infinity upgrade bug existed and just copied and pasted the vanilla code to fix it. (Aarex, why have you not fixed this yet???)
  • Continued to sort out the spaghetti code. It's looking better now.
  • Fixed plurals for the last 10 infinities and eternities.
  • Eternities stat calculation now uses ceiling (because decimals just look weird).
  • Trying to finally fix the ICs don't save on refresh bug.
  • There has been a report on unstable shard bugs, so I will fix that later if necessary.
  • The dilation button will now state that you need 1.8e308 IP to gain TP if you have under 1.8e308 IP.
  • ALPHA 0 - February 2020 -> March 2020: The Beginning

  • Started work on NG+2 Respecced.
  • A new row of achievements spanning from the original endgame of NG++ to early Quantum has been created. They have their own rewards and have their own pictures.
  • Unstable Dilation has begun being worked on. This will coincide with the Time Rift.
  • 2 new dilation upgrades that might make dilation bearable again.
  • Added lots of news tickers. Most of them are dumb.
  • Rephrased many of vanilla game's descriptions for each mechanic, challenge and achievement.
  • Begun organizing the spaghetti code that is game.js.
  • Quantum is being worked on, but the buttons don't actually work because I didn't implement them yet.
  • You can see how many eternities and infinities you get from their respective button once you can get 1e100,000 of their respective point.
  • Going to fix "I'm so meta" import later since I need to make sure everything is stabilized in Quantum first.
  • Begun NG+ v3: You start with 1,012,680 eternities (this may be changed on Quantum to give you the max TS191 and EU2 boost with 1,012,680 eternities but give you only 100 eternities), 1 trillion banked infinities, start with 1,024x IP mult (which resets later), start with all normal challenges completed, and also start with "Fake News" and "Don't you dare sleep". All NG+ v2 changes persist.
  • "Long lasting relationship" and "Eternities are the new infinity" have been given rewards: Infinity Dimensions are more powerful based on EC1's reward to the power of 10, and you gain 30x eternitied stat on longer eternities (reward taken from AD Ultimate and tweaked to balance for NG+2R, this is because of another reward to eternities in mid-dilation.).
  • "In the grim darkness of the far endgame" has been given a reward to remove active/passive/idle RG nerfs.
  • "I'm so meta" has been given a reward to unlock the dilation upgrade autobuyer.
  • "Meta-boosting to the max" has been given a better picture.
  • Changed the changelog files and took Aarex's CSS for them.
  • Made EU2 actually change its formula visually when you get "The cap is a million, not a trillion".
  • Max all will instead max all meta dimensions when you unlock them. Speaking of meta dimensions, their autobuyers are unlocked at 1e25x of each multiplier for each MD ("I never meta-dimension I didn't like").
  • Removed all Kong variables and changed the Shop to the Quantum tab.
  • Did stuff to time studies and added some stuff. However, they don't do anything yet because I have no idea how to make them work. When I get a time study to work though, it will be fixed.
  • Made the game buy 1 1st time dimension if you haven't bought it when you attempt to buy a time theorem with EP.
  • ...and that's only the beginning. There will be more. MORE.
  • Old changelog